相位调制器(可定制 低插损、低半波电压、小体积)
10GHz,20GHz,40GHz,60GHz 铌酸锂相位调制器 650nm~2000nm 铌酸锂相位调制器 强度调制器(可定制 低插损、低半波电压、小体积)
10GHz,20GHz,40GHz,60GHz 铌酸锂强度调制器 650nm ~2000nm 铌酸锂强度调制器
高速光开关(可定制 不同波长、通道) 1x1,1x2,2x2,1x4,1x8,1x16,1x32,4x4,8x8光开关
偏振控制器(可定制 不同波长) 3级、4级、5级、6级 偏振控制器
1x1, 1x2, Low-Vπ compact X-cut modulator Low-Vπ 0-20GHz X-cut Zero-chirp Compact ModulatorVπ ~3.5-3.8V (@1GHz)BW >20GHzInsertion Loss<4 and <3dB Versions
Broadband 0-40GHz X-cut Zero-chirp Compact ModulatorBW >30-35GHz, usable response >40GHzVπ ~4.5-5V (@1GHz)Insertion Loss<4dB and <3dB Versions
Dual-Parallel MZMQPSK (I/Q) modulator(X-cut Single Drive) Very Low-Vπ version: 25+Gbaud I/Q modulatorVery low-Vπ ~2.9-3.3V (@1GHz)BW >20-25GHzInsertion loss<5dB and <4dB Versions
High-bit-rate Version: 50 Gbaud I/Q modulatorBW >30-35GHz, usable response > 40 GHzVπ ~ 4-4.3V (@1GHz)Insertion loss<5dB and <4dB Versions
100Gb/s DP-QPSK modulator
Ultra-wideband (DC→65GHz→110GHz+) modulator
Long-λ (2μm) Phase & Intensity ModulatorsBW >10 and 20GHzVπ<7V and Vπ<5V VersionsInsertion Loss <4dB and <3dB Versions
Phase Modulators!! New Low Vpi!! 40+ Gb/s Modultators!! New Low Vpi!!
Polarization Controllers Short-λ Modulators0.7, 0.85, 1.06, ...
12-20 Gb/s Low Drive Voltage Modulatorsnegative prechirp or zero chirp 1x2 Dual Output Modulatorrs
Custom ModulatorsRZ, Cascaded, VOA, ... Small Form Factor Modulators
PolarizationMaintaining Splitters High-Speed Switches1x2, 2x2, 1xN, ...(Brief Switch Broushure)
Custom Integrated Optical Circuits High-Speed Switch MatricesNxN